If only all Police carried a flashlight and a hose.


This robot was made by a man who was fed up with the petty crimes that was happening in his neighborhood. It’s about 4 feet tall and weighs about 300 hundred pounds. It’s pretty cool how he fitted it with a working spotlight and a hose, plus he controls it with a remote control.

I think it’s interesting that someone would actually go and make this giant robot to fight drug crime. Not only must they have been really fed up with the local police to have to go and make their own “Robocop”, but to also have to guts to stand across the street while he sprayed water on these drug dealers with said “Robocop”.

That being said I don’t think that this robot would do much to stop any serious criminals but would be helpful in keeping kid from loitering or whatnot. I do enjoy the thought of people making their own robots and solving their differences by having robot battles instead of harming each other but then we would have another problem altogether.