Jochem Hendricks developed a machine that uses infared-,video, and computer techniques to make eye drawings “Augenzeichnungen.” The drawings are done directly with the eyes without use of hands. The machine uses interactions from the human eye to trace the movement. The eye movment is traced and digitilized while the human eye is looking at something. The eye drawings help investigate the process of how a eye looks at everyday objects in forms of a photograph or three dimensional items. The real objects of the movments deal with the abstract motives and processes such as time, reading,writing, drawing, light, and afterimage. The eye is able to make a picture by the means of. The interaction is human to eye reflecting the eyes action of what the viewer is looking at. trace.
I believe that this invention will help show how the eye is a very complicated organ. It will help the world devlop a sense for how the eye works and will help further advance research of the human body. The drawings go beyound the boundaries of society and show a different aspect on the movement of the eye. It will make the not just be used to see things but to make it a instrument to use to make something fantastic. It will also expand the interation of humans and machine. It shows how a machince can respond to a human action