The Three Sirens is a self learning band created by Nicolas Anatol Baginsky. The band members are all robot musicians who are not controlled by humans, instead they improvised in response to each other. The band members are Aglaopheme, Peisinoe, and Aciilyzer . Since the band has started a few other robots have joined the band as well, Aciilyzer , LynxArm, and some electronic instruments. Each band member was created so that it helps form The Three Sirens as one. Together they respond to each other by intermixing the sounds of the other instruments.
Nicolas Baginsky based the names of the first members of the band, from The Three Sirens of Greek Mythology. Aglaopheme, the guitar player, contains framework, actuators, and position sensors, along with a slide guitar. Peisinoe, the bass player, has two mechanisms, that allow it to cause vibrations of the string. The last member, Aciilyzer , is the voice of the group, it contains vocal sound samples of phonemes. Nicolas’ voice is also recorded to set up the phoneme collection. Aciilyzer is the only member of the band that does not have a body. Together The Three Sirens have come up with different songs such as Extra Laid Back and Robot’s Rock.