Cinema Machines

Heidi Kumao, in the years between 1991-1999 created “cinema machines” for installation. Each machine sabotaged a household object and is fitted with a zoe-trope like projecting mechanism and a set of photographic transparencies. Each machine projects 19th century film technology and everyday objects to present a short repeated loop of a simple gesture. The machines are like normal humans in everyday situation, placed at opposite ends of the table, or next to each other. Crafted from toy like objects, the projector and imagery offers a technical simple spectacle for the viewer. To make the machine work; they use mechanisms of the normal human : defense mechanisms, sex drives, thinking patterns, self-control, dreams, lines of reasoning, impulses, natural instincts.

I believe that Heidi Kumaos machine helps reflect on Rokebys material about interactivity. The machine manipulates an average human put in places where people would be. It also acts how a normal human would, with what information it was told. The interactivity between a human and machine is shown through those actions. The “movie” would reflect a emotion or act over and over again in a loop. The artist went outside her box and showed humans how they act.