Well, something very interesting caught my eye, a new product form company Plastic Logic named e-newspaper reader. This product is not the first of its kind on the market; however it’s the newest one. This black and white, E ink device features a wireless link to download content, room enough to store hundreds of pages of newspapers, books, and documents. It features a 8.5 x 11-inch display with gesture-based user interface. Having all of your favorite newspapers not on paper but in digital form, very economic and resource saving solution, is something that I think is amazing. Now imagine that this product would develop and its application would be even greater. Think about all the expensive, heavy, back breaking books you had to buy for this semester’s classes. Would it be nice if you could with that product download all the content of those books to its memory, store it all there, and when needed use it (probably even faster than using books). This is only one of the examples where this product would fit nicely, but don’t forget about all those paper consuming companies and bureaus. This little product could become a part of the green revolution that would protect our shrinking wood resources and make our lives somewhat easier.