Question: How many Godzillas could fit inside the Death Star?

Answer: A shitload.

Jeff Russel’s Starship Dimensions is one of those sites that are so fascinating and so nerdy that you can’t help but look at every single page. It’s essentially a visual representation of the scale of every spaceship and creature from movies or shows that start with “star-” or “babylon-.”

Interestingly enough, Russell includes such diverse constructs as the monster from Cloverfield, the crashed alien ship from the Crysis games, and Rancors. Rancors! And there’s the occasional real life object for reference (i learned, for example, that the alien destroyer from Independence Day is about as long as the martian moon, Phobos. Tell me that isn’t useful as balls trivia knowledge!).

There are a lot of weird and very, very large objects here, all at proper scale (using pixels per meter as the measurement template). Look ye and be amazed!