Thinking of basic automata automatically reminded me of a favorite animation of mine by Disney called WALL.E. (I highly recommend this movie be seen for those interested on counter-opposing arguments on Hayle’s Posthuman article, which is man’s overdependence on machines, which results in machines obtaining a superior control on man. Yet WALL.E attains a character that is generally the most human trait, a caring heart [similar to the 1986 movie Short Circuit].)
A small summary from the youtube info link describes the capabilities of the WALL.E automata:
From Disney’s press release:
“Ultimate WALL·E features 10 motors, giving it a high level of movement and animation. The remote control makes it easy for kids to program WALL·E’s movements. An innovative touch programming system lets kids direct WALL·E simply by making patterns on the remote’s touch pad. With voice activation and a follow-me mode, WALL·E can follow the sound of a human voice and detect someone entering a room. He also has several emotional states and an easy system for programming thousands of combinations of movements with the remote. Numerous sensors allow him to detect and respond to his environment, including infrared sensors that allow him to detect obstacles and steer around them, sonic ears that detect sound direction, and touch sensors. Also MP3 compatible and features built-in speakers.”
Here’s a bigger version of the WALL.E robot, where the video more clearly shows the innocent realistic living character of the Disney character.

WALL.E: Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth-Class
The most interesting part of this animatron is the fact that real human characteristics are effectively projected only through such a small and even limited amount of gestures. It is nothing as complex as the physical characteristics of a real human body, yet the robot projects its emotions just as clearly as a human. 
Sexy quote: “The you inside may be nice, but it is what you do that defines you.” ~derived from Rachel Dawes (Katie Holmes on Batman Begins)