Japanese marshmallow & Awareness test

This is from a Japanese game show. It is probably the most hilarious youtube video i know of at this moment. The one thing i appreciate about Japanese game shows is that if nobody wins, nobody wins. American game shows are bogus because somebody ends up winning, no matter what. Its like, why does someone always have to win? If you win because there was no other options, then i don’t consider that even winning. It is interesting how Japanese game shows dont really care about who wins, it more like what is the most hilarious thing a bunch of little Japanese people will do for TV. American people are more about pride and thats extremely lame.

This is an awareness test. Can you really notice everything that is going on? It was really funny when i watched it at first because i was not aware of the things that i wasn’t asked to be aware of. If someone says look for this certain thing then thats all your going to focus on. its funny how the brain is so narrow in a way, that when someone says look at this, they only focus on that one thing.