RESPONSIVE ARTS: This wonderful creation I’ve decided to call “Pokey 2008R.A.” is the product of every student in friday’s 9a.m. class. This creative little expansion of speakers wires and sounds took our class two class meetings to make. it may look a little weird/ strange when you approach it, but that’s ok because we wanted it to look that way. This project was meant to engage the public mind of hall walkers by speaking when someone walks passed it.the Motion detectors would sence the person walking passed it and then continue on to say something creepy, or laugh. this video talks a little more about it. buuuutttt not really. you’d have to be there to experience it the way we did (as a class). initially we had our doubts about putting it on public display for the simple fact that… we had to put it on public display. (lol) well, long story short, putting it on public display was a bad idea because someone broke it before Monday even came. (we had it up and running Friday). So, we barely had it going for a weekend. so… apologies go out to all that didnt witness our geniousness on that glorious friday.