Agumented Space

This reading on agumented space was very interesting. One part in particular that I thought he explained pretty well helped draw the fine line of what is considered virtual reality and agumented reality. From what I understood virtual reality is considered a completely different experience in which you sort of become part of your surroundings, this space consumes you. On the other hand he explained that agumented space is the integration of your real space with the technology in some way. He also describes the gray area of these opposite realities, but sometimes it is hard to differentiate. He made the comparison of the movie theater being a virtual reality to watching a movie on your cell phone as agumented reality. To me it seems that it can change. He made it sound like if you are aware of your surroundings outside then it is merely agumented but if you are unaware it is virtual reality. Does size really matter in this though? I feel that if you have your headphones in even if you have a small screen I think you can be taken to the virtual reality, not being aware of anything besides the alternate space you are watching. Later he describes the Jewish Museum which I found very interesting. Not only do they create virtual and agumented spaces with this technology, but how they can take the data and make physical space changes that is really a cool concept. Overall this reading was very informative and really helped me to understand the different ways this technology is being used and how it creates endless possibilities for artists.