Augmented space

So augmented space can be described anywhere from the data our cell phones receive to the data behind the computer screens we look at?

The part of the surveillance and recording of a persons actions kinda scared me. Reminded me of Brave New World, Big Brother stuff. Makes me ask where are we trying to get with all this technology. It is said that cavemen worked 4 hours a day to gather the necessities of life (food, shelter, clothing), the rest of the day spent on exploring the mind, inventing everything from simple games/sports to innovations to make life easier. Just like us you may think, we invent and innovate to have?make? progress. But although we have cars, microwaves, ready made dinners that the cavemen might not even dreamed of we work more. To gather the necessities of life the average individual works 8+ hours a day. After work most people are too tired to do anything besides watch Tv or sit on the computer (yes, I know everyone does not go home and watch Tv). Didn’t man kind invent and innovate for thousands of years to make life “easier”?. The direction we are taking with technology scares me.

Im not saying all progress is bad, medical research and new ways to gather clean energy amazes me.

I might have gotten off topic but this is what the article made me think about, excuse my writing errors Im still in English 070 😀