I found the article by Lev Manovich very interesting. He basically talks about the technological reality we live in and how it effects our lives as humans. I liked the part where he defined the three ways that technology augments reality; video surveillance translating the physical world into data; cellular space translating the digital world into reality; and mass media technologies becoming larger, thinner and more effective over time. I thought his distinctions were wise and thought-provoking.
As a young-person in this digital age, I have basically grown up with the computer age; we are childhood friends, if you will. When I was in kindergarten, we used early computers in my grade-school that displayed the simplest of images. As I have grown and matured, so has the technology industry. Through the years, I have heard over and over how surrounded we are by technology and multimedia, but I have never really heard or thought about the way that this technological landscape has completely changed the world that humans live in. It is an interesting idea. It is a little scary and a little inspiring at the same time. But I guess that’s what most cultural revolutions are probably like.