John Ippolito – “Hacking for fun and profit”

In the “Hacking for fun and profit video the aspect that I took away from this was Creative Commons and how that is still prevelant to creative works. At the time of this video, Ippolito brings up a lot of cases where even though the internet was created for the sharing and collaboration of information, you get a lot of cases where information and media are protected by copyright law. Creative Commons was a solution to these issues and allowed people from all over the world to be able to use these licenses and media in their own way. This was seen in Flickr back when I was a contributing member, where on every image we had the option of putting our work under an all rights reserved license or CC license. Another example is a company called This site launched in 2010 is a collaboration network where thousands of artists come together to make any kind of work. Anything made on the website can be remixed into another project. The company produces some of the works for profit, such as books, merchandise, records and more recently, a half hour TV variety show. In the case that work on the site is used for profit, the company pays the contributing artists 50/50. In a sense this operates like a creative commons platform. An open collaboration of media in which anyone can participate, which is the overall goal of the internet in the first place.