Jon Ippolito post. (Marcin Wieczorek)

     One concept that I liked was when Steve McDonald decided to appoint himself as a base guitarist for the White Stripes. Steve took all of the songs and inserted himself as a group member. I like this concept because such collaborations can fill the world with new and unique music, movies, and texts. Even though most collaborations are bound for failure, the ability to collaborate opens up anew world on interactions. An example of collaboration in today’s world can be seen on Sound Cloud. On everyone is entitled to upload and download content. This content can be used for listening or to make new music.
     The other interesting concept was the XML flavor called RDF that specifies the license term of your file. By using this you can create a creative commons, let people use your file, or let people view your work. This system intrigued me because it can be used to spread information by the common person while creating credibility. The issue of credibility in music has been improved but from time to time lawsuits emerge.