Creative Switch Jelly Fish

Making Jellyfish Switches

Materials Needed:
Foam Wrapping
Metal Wire
LED lights
3 Volt Batteries
Transparent Plastic Ball
Copper tape

Tools Needed:
Wire Cutters
Wire Strippers (Optional)

1. Start of with cutting the ball in half with a pair of scissors. After cutting the ball, cut a circle out of the foam wrap, the wrap should be larger then the diameter of the ball. Afterwards wrap the foam wrap around the surface of the ball. Tape the wrap to the inside of the ball.

2. When you finish taping, cut some wires out, the length is up to you. When you have your desired length, cut out the ribbon. The ribbon should be slightly longer than the wire. When you have both ribbon and wire, pierce through one side of the ribbon, continue this until you have all of the wire covered, tape the ends. These are the tentacles.

3. After completing the ribbons, connect the wire to the 3 volt battery, the side does not matter.

4. After connecting, connect the LED light to the 3 volt battery. Make sure to match positive to positive. Connect the tentacle to the other end of the LED. Tape the to the inside of the Jellyfish.

5. When the tentacles touch they will light up.
6.  You’re done. Be proud.