Two art pieces

This work designed and built by a Norwegian architect (Bjellandsbu
– Åkrafjorden) reflects the landscape and materials in which it resides and was
inspired. I absolutely love the landscape of Norway and the way that this piece
compliments its surroundings. 

Reveal: A material that is often overlooked in the design
process is grass. This lodge works this in perfectly as it adds to a natural
look. This artist made sure not to overlook any detail or material that could
have been used. He utilized wood, grass, and stone among others. While some of
these materials are normally used to building, others are more unique in this process.
Expand: The architecture in this piece is divergent from normal building plans.
The angles and curves in this lodge are very unique and rely solely on the
natural landscape architecture.  
The second piece I would like to pay special attention to is
also from a Norwegian designer-BENKER & PUFFER. I very much love
Scandinavian designs. This piece is called “FURU & BJØRK STUBBE” which
pretty much translates to pine and birch stubs.
 Expand: This commercial piece expands on natural
architecture as well but reimagines this as chairs and other furniture pieces.
The idea of a chair is expanded on and reimagined in this way as well. This
artist is changing the way we look at both of these concepts and is creating a
new way to look at these. Reflect: In looking at these pieces, I find myself
reflecting on nature and humans interaction with it. It makes the viewer see
nature in a different way, or lets the viewer appreciate nature in their home
in a different way than they are used to.