The following project is on an interactive wearable. The images are from the bunny ears that react to sound.
The materials used are
- Headphones
- Servos
- Bunny Ear Headband
- Mic
- Ardurino Trinket Pro
- Cables
- Alligator Clips
- Plastic Rectangles
- Mini Bread Board
The code that was used is:
Make a Servo Move to Sound.
This example code is in the public domain.
2012 by Cenk Özdemir
// for servo stuff we include the servo library
#include <Servo.h>
// creating a servo object
Servo myservo;
// Some Varuables we need
int ServoPin = 9;
int SoundInPin = A0;
int LedPin = 12;
int servoValue;
// the setup routine runs once when you press reset:
void setup() {
// initialize
pinMode(SoundInPin, INPUT);
pinMode(LedPin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
int sensorValue = analogRead(SoundInPin);
// We Map it here down to the possible range of servo moovment.
//sensorValue = sensorValue -330;
// Serial.println(sensorValue);
sensorValue = map(sensorValue,486,150,1,180);
// constrain(sensorValue, 0, 300);
sensorValue = abs(sensorValue);
// delay(100);
// Serial.println(sensorValue);
// setting the servo into standard position
int MoveDelayValue = map(sensorValue,0,255,0,sensorValue);
// maping the same reading a little bit more down to calculate the time your servo gets to make the one Move
if (sensorValue > 50 && sensorValue < 200) { // to cut off some static readings only if the reading gets higher then 33 it begings to work
//threshold for jittering
delay(10); // a static delay to smooth things out…
servoValue = map(sensorValue,3,80,1,180);
constrain(servoValue, 0, 180);
// now move the servo to our mapped reading
// Serial.print(“servoValue: “);
// Serial.println(servoValue);
delay(15); // a static delay to smooth things out…
// and do that move in this delay time
// else { myservo.write(0);