I get this idea from my mom because she always forgot where were the keys. So I put the LED’s on the board, it can lights up on top of the key. Also the night time we can easily found the keys.
1. 5 inch * 9.5 inch cardboard
2. 6 inch of copper tape
3. 3 high strength round magnet
4. 9v battery
5. 220 ohm resistor
6. Wire, Soldering iron/ solder
7. Hot glue, Electrical tape, Utility knife
Step 1:
- Use the hot glue to attach 3 magnets on the cardboard
- Half inch above/below the magnet, use the utility knife to cut the cardboard
- Put through the cooper tape and attached on each side.
Step 2:
- Attach 3LEDs in front of the cardboard
- Connect the wires with soldering iron
- Connect the 220 ohm resistor with wires