Robot. Controlled. Surgery. Can you believe it? In “Interfaces and Telematics” the ultimate clash of science and art is being practiced during the time when someones life is on the line. Telematics surgery is human conducted surgery with assistance from a robot. This technology isn’t even just limited to same-room operations. surgeons and robots can be across the globe, with surgeons having their every move be virtually scaled to the fitting situation. The process of virtually scaling from surgeon to robot actually causes amazing accuracy which is almost crazy to believe.
The reading as a whole pushed my idea of how humans can interact with technology and how they already are doing so. This example (by far) was pushing boundaries the most for me, trusting technology/robots with such a science that needs to be perfected to a T. This shows how we can and should really trust robots when they are integrated with our own selves because they can ultimately save lives in ways that we just did not have the access to years ago.