Trouble at the Interface 2.0 – Cyborg and Extended Self
Extended Self
By Bill Bailey
While reading the extended self, my thoughts drifted to the public’s quick reception to these adaptations on such technologies. Along with the assistance from the ever-growing feedback of many leading enthusiast communities that supply this technologies advancement at an unprecedented level, will provide an interesting impact as this transition matures to the market place reaching a widespread diversity in audiences. In the image above this technology is depicted in an intermediate setting but remains a fairly realistic option around any contemporary environment. The image shows the evolution on embedded circuit boards in a temporary tattoo embodiment with improved functionality, such as communicating with the users body readings. It can also intricately become modified, providing experienced users with “additional properties”. For example, a user could include ethical utilities and tools for literal “mobile” penetration testing, that would otherwise not be as concealed from sight (ie.requiring a device to execute) . This rendition showcases an ideally realistic approach to the evolution of body-embedded circuit board designs via the latter was based solely on self-surgical procedures making this process a bit more unconventional and permanent. Follow this link for a brief demo: