Interactive Project – Lonely Vase

This vase is distraught, as from it’s creation it has been demented and nearly unidentifiable. Perhaps whatever being created it had hands that were too big to fit into the small opening, got frustrated and left it with an ugly mug. Perhaps it’s vase karma. In any case its only solace in life is to find its better half, so that its loneliness might fade as it becomes a part of a greater whole. 
Good going, vase.
The plan was to have the vase frown while it was empty, then smile and dim down to being blank once it was filled. This is representative of the desire for deep companionship, how one might feel distressed with a lack thereof, and how once it is achieved you become something new, better than before. No longer composed entirely within, the face fades, leaving behind the simple vase with flowers; a common symbol of romance.
In an interesting twist involving small vases, big hands, and impatience, it is instead an almost hunchback of notre dame type of message.