Interactive Project

Sam Kramer

Originally I had planned on making a wearable breathalyzer, but due to certain circumstances that was not possible.   Instead I had to go with my plan B which is more a sculptural installation piece.

Picture a dark room with a stone monolith in the back corner, perpendicular to that is a flickering fluorescent bulb.  As you approach it the flickering continues until all of a sudden the light swings down and everything is dark.  Apprehensive, you take a step back towards the door, and the light returns to the perpendicular position and switches back on. As you move back and forth within a certain distance of the piece it goes on and off and up and down.  

You can seemingly “communicate” or have a conversation with the piece, through body language. As an input I used an ultrasonic distance sensor, and as an output I used an LED and a servo.