Most Disturbing Presentation Ever: Our Tech Nightmare (“Skinner Box”) DICE 2010 Reaction

Everything that Jesse Schell mentioned is plausible. The technology to make all those things happen is not inaccessible. The idea tat everything will turn into a game is not far off either. People inherently like to win and especially if those winnings benefit them in real life more people will play. With the rapid increase of advertising trying to keep up with consumers a mass interactive game does seem to be an effective strategy. The picture the Schell paints appears to be very far off and kind of scary, but a lot of it is already happening now. The ads on websites being selected from your cookies is the first step of a world that is completely tailored to the individual.
However, Schell’s closing mentions that maybe the extreme documentation of everyone’s every move may turn us into better people and I don’t know if I agree with that. While, getting exercise incentives from healthcare and being more inspired to read are good things, i do not fully believe it will change people. I think most people will continue to read the stupid books that have their interest because they would still be getting the points. Instant gratification will propel people to do whatever is quickest and most enjoyable to win the game.