In this article they talked about the outrage that came from people making these games that don’t seem like games. Like the Howling Dogs game, it isn’t anything like the video games we are us to (Call of Duty, Grand Theft Auto). The fact that these twine games are more of statements than games makes people realizes all games are some form of statement. That is why it bugs so many, they then realize their games are more then just a leisure activity, they have an effect. To this, they either react positively or negatively depending on how they take this realization. In addition to just the realization that games can be more than just leisure, the belief that they are more of a man’s activity is also flawed. This discrepancy of gender and video games comes from when Nintendo decided to market the Mario Bros to boys rather than girls. This is when boys became synonymous with video games. Now that this is wearing off, games have started to change and move towards being for both men and woman, but this change doesn’t seem to be happening quick enough.