Final Project Proposal
Sophia Perez
Madena Kusi

LED Jacket
              For this project we wanted to create a wearable piece that causes the wearer to interact with it, giving of a visual result. We wanted to produce something wearable because so far we have been using and learning about technology and how it works on it’s own but we thought it would be interesting to apply it to something that someone can use everyday. We also wanted to attract young people with this project because we also wanted to peak their interest in technology and how they could apply it to everyday things as well. For the demo of this project we originally added a temperature sensor with a water droplet animation for the LEDs. The color of the LEDs changed based on the temperature because we coded specific colors to different spectrum’s of temperature, warm colors for warmer weather and cool colors for cooler weather. After multiple trials and discussion we decided to change the sensor to an accelerometer so that based off of the motion and speed of the wearers arm the colors will change. We came to this decision when we felt that the temperature sensor would be redundant because obviously if its hot or cold outside that is something you can figure out without on your own and if its too hot you’re not going to keep the jacket on. So we plan on working on integrating the droplet animation into the accelerometer code and if necessary converting the accelerometer code from neopixel  to dotstar. We are also focusing on finally implamenting  the LEDs, wires, and the arduino into the jacket, so far we have been testing it on the inner lining. In the end we are working towards the final product and hope to achieve a wearable piece that can attract a young audience. 
List of Materials:
  • White leather jacket
  • 9 volt battery
  • Adafruit Dotstar Digital LED strip
  • Accelerometer 
  • Solder and Soldering Iron
  • Arduino