Jesse Schell- Most Disturbing Presentation Ever

              Schell first begins his presentation by discussing the nature of video games, when presented with a task we must be able to complete it, while aiming to receive the highest score. Then he describes how humans need point systems, like games, in order to gain points for each action that we perform. That everyday things, like brushing your teeth, will be censored so that based on what you’re doing you will receive a certain amount of points and when they add up companies and the government will reward  based on the amount of points you were able to earn. He mentioned a scenario where if you started to take the bus the government would reward you with points for taking public transportation by using your points for tax incentives. I could actually see this happening in the future because people would be more willing to perform these actions if it could actually benefit them. I can see this point system going on to be embedded in everything we do, and I can see peoples desperation for these points altering their lives. People will start actively scheduling themselves to perform certain actions and will have a goal of the minimum amount of points that they earn everyday. I also agree that because technology is so common in this day and age, I feel certain pieces or materials within technology will become cheap and easy for people to obtain, so much so that their will even be disposable technology made to fulfill a purpose for a short amount of time.

              What I didn’t really find believable about his presentation is the idea that even the tattoos on our body will give us points because they would be embedded with light sensors, so that if your arm advertises a specific company or product, you will get points for the amount of time your tattoo is visible to other people. In addition, the idea that your tattoo can morph into different images or advertisements on your skin. I do believe that people will tattoo advertisements on their skin because that is something that people even do now, because they have developed a personal connection with the product. I don’t believe that companies and tattoo parlors will actually start embedding light sensors and transformable ink into peoples skin because it would become very expensive for people to afford, their could be many health risks considering it will alter your skin a lot, and I don’t feel technology will develop in that way. Over all I do think that this point system can benefit people in the future  but this system isn’t perfect and would require a lot of willing participation from the majority of the population.