Twine Response: Eunice Melara

Eunice Melara

Being that 50% of the
people who play video games are women and only 25% video game developers, are
females, shocked me. This article made me think of all the different types of
genres and story lines that can be used while developing video games, using the
tool Twine.  Using Twine as a tool to get
more people to be part of games and making games, can ultimately bring a more
diverse group of people, who have walked different paths in life; hence
bringing different story lines and perspective in the video game world. The
article mention that many of the “most prominent Twine developers are women”
who often explored issues of identity, trauma, and other things mainstream
games don’t usually make games about. With this in mind, this article made me
think about the exhibition “Game art V.s Art Game” and the game I played called
“cancer dragon” which the whole basis of the game was to explore the personal
perspective of the people who created the game. Same can be said about the
well-known Twine. Additionally, I played the “Howling dogs” game, a couple of
times, I surely say that I’ve never played another game like it. Definitely
will explore more Twine Games.