This article about Twine by Laura Hudson was exceptional! Twine is something that I had never experienced before, it takes (in the best way possible) the fun out of games and immerses the player in a make believe world. When playing the game Howling Dogs: Room I felt totally in it for real. The super descriptive way that the author writes out these scenarios just sets one up for immersion. Since there was no imagery in the game, like usual games are all imagery, I was forced to create an image for myself in my mind. It was super easy to picture this dark metal/fluorescent/claustrophobic room. When there was more of a chance to observe the outside world, it seemed as if the fluorescent room became even more dystopian and haunting.
The idea behind this game is truly unique, something that takes much thought and reflection and help from outside sources that can truly depict how it does feel. Theres also really no ‘winning’ the game, like a culturally accepted game would follow the constructs of. Its not a win or lose, its a rollercoaster of emotions and it takes you on a trip.