Blog #2: Artist Research

Six Years of Mondays, Jon Thomas and Alison Craighead
A man named Graham Smith had been recording the view from his bedroom window for six years, everyday from 6am to 6pm. The video shows every Monday throughout the six years. Every year has a different soundtrack. This piece was really interesting to me because it’s very simple yet very intriguing. Every single recording is different and unique than the one next to it, and every single recording represents a completely different day, although we are only allowed to view the same perspective. It’s just interesting to think that even though we see the same view, each day there was something distinct happening, not only in that location, but in the world. I also think it’s interesting that although Graham Smith recorded everyday for six years, Thomas and Craighead decided to show only the Mondays that occurred within those six years. We usually complain about Mondays because it’s the first workday after the weekend and we’re usually tired and not looking forward to the long week ahead, but these recordings show how much is going on in the world around us, even though we’re not paying attention.

The Crossing, Bill Viola, 1996
This is probably one of Viola’s most recognized works where he uses video and sound to create though provoking pieces. The Crossing is shown on two screens, each screen projecting a similar yet different video. On both screens there is a man who approaches and then stands still. On one screen, a fire begins to grow beneath the man’s feet, eventually engulfing him. During this, the man stands calmly, only slowly lifting his arms. At the same time the fire engulfs the man, on the opposite screen water begins to rain down, eventually pouring heavily on the man, preventing us from seeing him. On both screens after we can no longer see the man, the fire and the water stop, and we see that the man has vanished from both screens, leaving only a dark and silent room. This piece is very interesting because although the result is pretty simple, it can be interpreted in different ways. It not only reminds us of our ephemerality but it also can represent rebirth. In many different religions, fire and water represent change, transformation, and renewal, all of these shown in the film. Some have a spiritual connection to this. It’s interesting that a piece that is relatively simple can have different interpretations and meanings, and can have such a powerful impact.