Slow Principles Project Ideas

Life is Suite (2005)

Life is suite project was to reflect the nerve of the body. The sofa was found in the trash with a broken leg and ripped leather. After the sofa was found, it was taking to get painted. The design was digital with screen designs. The idea was to get an object and tell a story with designs. They wanted to create a sofa and imagine it as being a living thing. The sofa was created
 to be interactive and reveal stories. The sofa also reveals sounds and secrets. 
Sheep Lamps- Julia Lohmann
Julia Lohmann created sheep lamps for a slow design project. She created the lamps with preservative sheep stomach. The project was to engage people with the disgust of using animals. It reminds people that we are around a lot of used animal products. Also reflect how we treat animals. 

For my project I would want to create something similar to Julia Lohmann. Something to engage people to understand the awareness of using an item that is bad of using. I would create a light source and make for the design a plastic cup design. I would use as a lamp to reveal how people use a lot of plastic on the world. I would engage my audience by the design of my lamp.

For my second project idea I would want to make a colorful pinwheel. So it could engage people and also reveal sounds as well. My project would be an handheld object. It would intrigue people to something that it old fashioned but still enjoyable. For this project it would not only have people blow on the wheel but create sound.