Twine Article Response – Diego Vega

I believe that this new game engine, Twine, successfully (and easily for the creator) puts the gamer into someone else’s life. Which is what all video games used to do through complicated graphics. Only that Twine achieves it by displaying text and hyperlinks. This possible text based interface is probably why all games are way more intricate and elaborated in a philosophical or emotional way. The simplistic yet expressive nature of this game engine is probably the reason for all games to be the same way: intellectual, introspective, and, again, philosophical and emotional. 

The game I played, Sacrilege, is a game that brings light to a girl at a club that tries to join the hook up culture for a night, despite that not being her. She is desperate to have sex with one of her four friends. The games lead you through her thoughts and desperate attempt in a lyrical way; where your choices will affect the outcome of her night.