Twine Article Response / Javerea Ahmed

Response to Twine
Article and Game

              Twine is
a new medium for me, I have never heard of it much less considered it as a
source of gaming. Its innovative and it has the potential to turn the world of
gaming and art upside down. It forces you to interact in a way that makes one
think about the consequences of their choices and anger. It normalizes and
humanizes what’s going on in our minds. And sometimes that can be scary,
because we ourselves don’t know what our minds are capable of but the opportunity
to interact by clicking links and switching them to reflect our minds helps us
visualize this. The thing about twine that entices me is that when you click
the link and wait for the next part to load of the game your brain already
races ahead to the “what if’s” that we have already played out in our brain in
multiple times. A game I played was Player 2, it helped me release the stress
and anger of being upset and angry with someone. But through the course of the
game, especially when I linked what I would do to punish the person who hurt me
I realized that my anger wasn’t it worth it. It made me realize that my pain
was small on a grand scale and my own character wasn’t to punish someone is
such an extreme manner, but to forgive. It showed me the light within myself
and focused less on the darkness of “player 2” which inherently wiped my anger
away. And it blew my mind that such a miniscule game, which was so simple could
do such a thing.