Lucas Milkovich/Diego Vega – Creative Switch

Materials Used: Wooden boards, soldering kit, circuit marker and paper, multiple LED’s in various colors, wiring, and a battery pack. 
Goal: We wanted to create a board where, when a certain ’emotion’ was applied to it with the circuit marker, the LED that corresponds to that emotion in the ‘eyes’ of the board would light up. A smiling mouth would set off the green lights in the eyes, a frown would have the blue LED’s turn on, a neutral mouth would light up the white LED’s and pointed eyebrows symbolizing anger would light up the red LED’s. 
We first measured out the board to the desired size and marked each spot on the board that we would need to drill through. We needed the four different colored LED’s to come through from the back, as well as 10 other holes where the wires would stick out, allowing us to connect the circuit from the front of the board. 
We then began the long and tedious process that was soldering the circuits and wires so that only by connecting certain spots on the front side of the board would certain LED’s be lit. This took a lot of careful soldering and positioning so that no wires would cross. During this process we used a lot of parallel circuits to achieve our desired goal. This is what the board looked like when we finished. 
We cut the circuit paper into the shapes that would connect the circuits based on the various emotions explained earlier. Here we have examples of a neutral emotion (straight line), a happy emotion (smile), and one of the slanted eyebrows (anger). The smile could also be flipped upside down to connect the circuit that represents sadness. The circuit paper is drawn on by the circuit marker before being applied to the board. 
Here is a picture displaying the smile being applied to the board. As you can see, the green LED’s in the eyes are lit.