Art Against Information Reaction

In the reading I found myself reflecting on the saying of how we live in the “Data Age” which is terrifyingly true. The abstraction of data, the way we use, and manipulate for design purposes is one way to think about the data. There is so much random and accumulating data out there that theres no way to “wrangle it” besides Data Visualization.  The metaphorical relationships with the data and the “images” that come out of those processes. Especially when Whitelaw compares the “I feel Fine” versus “The Dumpster” the idea that “anything is anything.”

For myself, its not art against information; it’s Information empowering the art and artist. Taking those symbolic or logical data sets and turning it into a visual representation that gives the message of the data, it doesn’t matter what the images end up being. With that creative freedom, Data is the message and how we visualize it is the meaning.