In my first assignment, the three shapes I chose was a square, circle, and ellipses. The variable I used was “computer” to replace all 100s in the code. The conditional I used was that when you press the mouse, the inside of the square will turn a maroon color. Also, the shapes are randomly changing color, kind of like a strobe light when you press play. I like the abstractness of this because it is simple, yet overwhelming to look at at the same time.
int computer=100;
void setup () {
size(400, 400);
void draw() {
if (mousePressed == true) {
strokeWeight(random(3, 7));
rect(50, 25, computer, computer);
fill(90, random(150,250), random(150,250));
ellipse(225, 155, 145, 145);
quad(148, 141, 196, 130, 179, 173, 140, 186);
//point(50, 40);
////the original values
//point(95, 40);
//point(95, 25);
//point(50, 25);
//line(50,40,95,40); //draws the bottom profile
//line(95,40,95,25); //draws right well
//// draws a rectangle over x1, y1, width, height
//rect(50, 25, 100, 100);
//// draws an ellipse x, y, width, height
//ellipse(225, 155, 145, 145);
//// draws a four sided polygon x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4
//quad(148, 141, 196, 130, 179, 173, 140, 186);