In this first assignment I created three shapes, one being a triangle, another a square and lastly half a circle. I decided to use the least amount of stroke weight for the half circle, used a good amount of stroke weight for the square and lastly I used the most amount of stroke weight for the triangle. As well as stroke weight I also used fill to create different colors inside the shapes such as grey for the triangle, black for the half circle and white for the square. Lastly I used RBG to create the background color to turn it into a baby blue so the rest of the colors would pop.
I have just updated the first assignment, this time I used a condition and variables to make the sketch move, also for it to interact when I move the mouse around the sketchbook so there would be rectangles following the mouse as it moved along. Also having the other shapes move was using the variable and also adding to it in the coding so the shape would move according to the addition toward the variable.