For the Processing Drawing Machine I decided to follow the assignment literally and make an actual drawing. This drawing is inspired by two drawings made by BTS’ V. The two faces are composed out of ellipses, rectangles, arcs, and a for loop. Even though these are all just simple shapes, the most time and complexity went into making these two faces as getting the measurements and placement right was very challenging. I would like to say that I am a pro now at getting the coordinates right. The oval shaped confetti like ellipses appear as you press on the mouse so that you can add on to this piece as you like. I decided on making the background a white color to keep it looking like a canvas that you can draw on as this is a drawing machine. I really love what I made and I’m glad that this was my first project because while making it I realized that as cool as it is that I’m drawing with code, I wasn’t using Processing to its full potential so for upcoming assignments I hope to use Processing in a different way than I did for this project.
Afnan Ellythy
void setup () {
size (800, 800);
background (255);
noFill ();
strokeWeight (12);
ellipse (400, 400, 100, 100); //right eye
noFill ();
ellipse (600, 400, 120, 120); //left eye
rect (530, 300, 150, 10); //left eyebrow
fill (0);
rect (350, 300, 100, 10); //right eyebrow
rect (520, 300, 10, 250); //right nose bridge
fill (0);
rect (450, 370, 10, 180); //left nosebridge
fill (0);
fill (0);
ellipse (400, 380, 50, 50); //left pupil
fill (0);
ellipse (600, 380, 65, 65); //right pupil
noFill ();
ellipse (500, 600, 250, 100); //mouth
triangle(525, 555, 489, 490, 460, 555); //nose
stroke(200, 0, 0);
arc(510, 635, 100, 40, PI+QUARTER_PI, TWO_PI); //smile/frown
noFill ();
strokeWeight (5);
ellipse (100, 100, 90, 50); // left eye small
noFill ();
strokeWeight (5);
ellipse (240, 100, 90, 50); // right eye small
fill (0);
ellipse (110, 115, 20, 20); //left pupil small
fill (0);
ellipse (250, 115, 20, 20); //right pupil small
rect (80, 60, 63, 5); //left eyebrow small
rect (190, 60, 93, 5); //right eyebrow small
rect (140, 60, 5, 120); //left nosebridge small
rect (190, 60, 5, 120); //right nosebridge small
rect(140, 165, 55, 15); //nose small
noFill ();
ellipse (165, 220, 150, 80); //mouth small
stroke(200, 0, 0);
arc(170, 240, 80, 20, PI+QUARTER_PI, TWO_PI); //smile/frown small
void draw () {
if (mousePressed ==true) {
noStroke ();
fill (random(0, 255), random(0, 255), random(0, 255));
translate(mouseX, mouseY);
for (int i = 0; i<5; i++) {
ellipse(5, 10, 12, 24);
for (int i = 539; i < 650; i = i+1) { // nose bleed right
line(504, i, 509, i);
for (int i = 530; i < 550; i = i+1) { //nose bleed left
line(477, i, 482, i);
for (int i = 176; i < 215; i = i+1) { //nose bleed small
line(151, i, 154, i);