Drawing Machine By: Braeden Daugherty

My drawing machine allows you to create lines that move around on there own around the page depending on how you draw them. you can switch between three different color patterns by key presses and when you are drawing the position of your mouse determines the color, so not only is their different patterns but the scale of what that color is can change as well. the speed at which you draw the line as well as the direction will determine the way that the line will move around the screen.


//there are 3 different color patterns press a, z, or q to switch between them
//press space in order to stop the line from mosving
// while the line is mvving you can move your mouse around to change the color
//press s in order to screenshot the image

PImage castle;
import java.awt.Polygon;

Gesture gestureArray[];
final int nGestures = 36; // Number of gestures
final int minMove = 3; // Minimum travel for a new point
int currentGestureID;

Polygon tempP;
int tmpXp[];
int tmpYp[];

void setup() {
size(1000,800, P2D);


currentGestureID = -1;
gestureArray = new Gesture[nGestures];
for (int i = 0; i < nGestures; i++) {
gestureArray[i] = new Gesture(width, height);


void draw() {

if (key==’a’){ fill(100,mouseY,mouseX);

if (key==’z’){


if (key==’s’){
for (int i = 0; i < nGestures; i++) {
renderGesture(gestureArray[i], width, height);

void mousePressed() {
currentGestureID = (currentGestureID+1) % nGestures;
Gesture G = gestureArray[currentGestureID];
G.addPoint(mouseX, mouseY);

void mouseDragged() {
if (currentGestureID >= 0) {
Gesture G = gestureArray[currentGestureID];
if (G.distToLast(mouseX, mouseY) > minMove) {
G.addPoint(mouseX, mouseY);

void keyPressed() {
if (key == ‘+’ || key == ‘=’) {
if (currentGestureID >= 0) {
float th = gestureArray[currentGestureID].thickness;
gestureArray[currentGestureID].thickness = min(96, th+1);
} else if (key == ‘-‘) {
if (currentGestureID >= 0) {
float th = gestureArray[currentGestureID].thickness;
gestureArray[currentGestureID].thickness = max(2, th-1);
} else if (key == ‘ ‘) {

void renderGesture(Gesture gesture, int w, int h) {
if (gesture.exists) {
if (gesture.nPolys > 0) {
Polygon polygons[] = gesture.polygons;
int crosses[] = gesture.crosses;

int xpts[];
int ypts[];
Polygon p;
int cr;

int gnp = gesture.nPolys;
for (int i=0; i<gnp; i++) {

p = polygons[i];
xpts = p.xpoints;
ypts = p.ypoints;

vertex(xpts[0], ypts[0]);
vertex(xpts[1], ypts[1]);
vertex(xpts[2], ypts[2]);
vertex(xpts[3], ypts[3]);

if ((cr = crosses[i]) > 0) {
if ((cr & 3)>0) {
vertex(xpts[0]+w, ypts[0]);
vertex(xpts[1]+w, ypts[1]);
vertex(xpts[2]+w, ypts[2]);
vertex(xpts[3]+w, ypts[3]);

vertex(xpts[0]-w, ypts[0]);
vertex(xpts[1]-w, ypts[1]);
vertex(xpts[2]-w, ypts[2]);
vertex(xpts[3]-w, ypts[3]);
if ((cr & 12)>0) {
vertex(xpts[0], ypts[0]+h);
vertex(xpts[1], ypts[1]+h);
vertex(xpts[2], ypts[2]+h);
vertex(xpts[3], ypts[3]+h);

vertex(xpts[0], ypts[0]-h);
vertex(xpts[1], ypts[1]-h);
vertex(xpts[2], ypts[2]-h);
vertex(xpts[3], ypts[3]-h);

// I have knowingly retained the small flaw of not
// completely dealing with the corner conditions
// (the case in which both of the above are true).

void updateGeometry() {
Gesture J;
for (int g=0; g<nGestures; g++) {
if ((J=gestureArray[g]).exists) {
if (g!=currentGestureID) {
} else if (!mousePressed) {

void advanceGesture(Gesture gesture) {
// Move a Gesture one step
if (gesture.exists) { // check
int nPts = gesture.nPoints;
int nPts1 = nPts-1;
Vec3f path[];
float jx = gesture.jumpDx;
float jy = gesture.jumpDy;

if (nPts > 0) {
path = gesture.path;
for (int i = nPts1; i > 0; i–) {
path[i].x = path[i-1].x;
path[i].y = path[i-1].y;
path[0].x = path[nPts1].x – jx;
path[0].y = path[nPts1].y – jy;

void clearGestures() {
for (int i = 0; i < nGestures; i++) {


class Gesture {

float damp = 5.0;
float dampInv = 1.0 / damp;
float damp1 = damp – 1;

int w;
int h;
int capacity;

Vec3f path[];
int crosses[];
Polygon polygons[];
int nPoints;
int nPolys;

float jumpDx, jumpDy;
boolean exists;
float INIT_TH = 14;
float thickness = INIT_TH;

Gesture(int mw, int mh) {
w = mw;
h = mh;
capacity = 600;
path = new Vec3f[capacity];
polygons = new Polygon[capacity];
crosses = new int[capacity];
for (int i=0;i<capacity;i++) {
polygons[i] = new Polygon();
polygons[i].npoints = 4;
path[i] = new Vec3f();
crosses[i] = 0;
nPoints = 0;
nPolys = 0;

exists = false;
jumpDx = 0;
jumpDy = 0;

void clear() {
nPoints = 0;
exists = false;
thickness = INIT_TH;

void clearPolys() {
nPolys = 0;

void addPoint(float x, float y) {

if (nPoints >= capacity) {
// there are all sorts of possible solutions here,
// but for abject simplicity, I don’t do anything.
else {
float v = distToLast(x, y);
float p = getPressureFromVelocity(v);

if (nPoints > 1) {
exists = true;
jumpDx = path[nPoints-1].x – path[0].x;
jumpDy = path[nPoints-1].y – path[0].y;


float getPressureFromVelocity(float v) {
final float scale = 18;
final float minP = 0.02;
final float oldP = (nPoints > 0) ? path[nPoints-1].p : 0;
return ((minP + max(0, 1.0 – v/scale)) + (damp1*oldP))*dampInv;

void setPressures() {
// pressures vary from 0…1
float pressure;
Vec3f tmp;
float t = 0;
float u = 1.0 / (nPoints – 1)*TWO_PI;
for (int i = 0; i < nPoints; i++) {
pressure = sqrt((1.0 – cos(t))*0.5);
path[i].p = pressure;
t += u;

float distToLast(float ix, float iy) {
if (nPoints > 0) {
Vec3f v = path[nPoints-1];
float dx = v.x – ix;
float dy = v.y – iy;
return mag(dx, dy);
else {
return 30;

void compile() {
// compute the polygons from the path of Vec3f’s
if (exists) {

Vec3f p0, p1, p2;
float radius0, radius1;
float ax, bx, cx, dx;
float ay, by, cy, dy;
int axi, bxi, cxi, dxi, axip, axid;
int ayi, byi, cyi, dyi, ayip, ayid;
float p1x, p1y;
float dx01, dy01, hp01, si01, co01;
float dx02, dy02, hp02, si02, co02;
float dx13, dy13, hp13, si13, co13;
float taper = 1.0;

int nPathPoints = nPoints – 1;
int lastPolyIndex = nPathPoints – 1;
float npm1finv = 1.0 / max(1, nPathPoints – 1);

// handle the first point
p0 = path[0];
p1 = path[1];
radius0 = p0.p * thickness;
dx01 = p1.x – p0.x;
dy01 = p1.y – p0.y;
hp01 = sqrt(dx01*dx01 + dy01*dy01);
if (hp01 == 0) {
hp02 = 0.0001;
co01 = radius0 * dx01 / hp01;
si01 = radius0 * dy01 / hp01;
ax = p0.x – si01;
ay = p0.y + co01;
bx = p0.x + si01;
by = p0.y – co01;

int xpts[];
int ypts[];

int LC = 20;
int RC = w-LC;
int TC = 20;
int BC = h-TC;
float mint = 0.618;
float tapow = 0.4;

// handle the middle points
int i = 1;
Polygon apoly;
for (i = 1; i < nPathPoints; i++) {
taper = pow((lastPolyIndex-i)*npm1finv,tapow);

p0 = path[i-1];
p1 = path[i ];
p2 = path[i+1];
p1x = p1.x;
p1y = p1.y;
radius1 = Math.max(mint,taper*p1.p*thickness);

// assumes all segments are roughly the same length…
dx02 = p2.x – p0.x;
dy02 = p2.y – p0.y;
hp02 = (float) Math.sqrt(dx02*dx02 + dy02*dy02);
if (hp02 != 0) {
hp02 = radius1/hp02;
co02 = dx02 * hp02;
si02 = dy02 * hp02;

// translate the integer coordinates to the viewing rectangle
axi = axip = (int)ax;
ayi = ayip = (int)ay;
axid = axi-axip;
ayid = ayi-ayip;

// set the vertices of the polygon
apoly = polygons[nPolys++];
xpts = apoly.xpoints;
ypts = apoly.ypoints;
xpts[0] = axi = axid + axip;
xpts[1] = bxi = axid + (int) bx;
xpts[2] = cxi = axid + (int)(cx = p1x + si02);
xpts[3] = dxi = axid + (int)(dx = p1x – si02);
ypts[0] = ayi = ayid + ayip;
ypts[1] = byi = ayid + (int) by;
ypts[2] = cyi = ayid + (int)(cy = p1y – co02);
ypts[3] = dyi = ayid + (int)(dy = p1y + co02);

// keep a record of where we cross the edge of the screen
crosses[i] = 0;
if ((axi<=LC)||(bxi<=LC)||(cxi<=LC)||(dxi<=LC)) {
if ((axi>=RC)||(bxi>=RC)||(cxi>=RC)||(dxi>=RC)) {
if ((ayi<=TC)||(byi<=TC)||(cyi<=TC)||(dyi<=TC)) {
if ((ayi>=BC)||(byi>=BC)||(cyi>=BC)||(dyi>=BC)) {

//swap data for next time
ax = dx;
ay = dy;
bx = cx;
by = cy;

// handle the last point
p2 = path[nPathPoints];
apoly = polygons[nPolys++];
xpts = apoly.xpoints;
ypts = apoly.ypoints;

xpts[0] = (int)ax;
xpts[1] = (int)bx;
xpts[2] = (int)(p2.x);
xpts[3] = (int)(p2.x);

ypts[0] = (int)ay;
ypts[1] = (int)by;
ypts[2] = (int)(p2.y);
ypts[3] = (int)(p2.y);


void smooth() {
// average neighboring points

final float weight = 18;
final float scale = 1.0 / (weight + 2);
int nPointsMinusTwo = nPoints – 2;
Vec3f lower, upper, center;

for (int i = 1; i < nPointsMinusTwo; i++) {
lower = path[i-1];
center = path[i];
upper = path[i+1];

center.x = (lower.x + weight*center.x + upper.x)*scale;
center.y = (lower.y + weight*center.y + upper.y)*scale;


class Vec3f {
float x;
float y;
float p; // Pressure

Vec3f() {
set(0, 0, 0);

Vec3f(float ix, float iy, float ip) {
set(ix, iy, ip);

void set(float ix, float iy, float ip) {
x = ix;
y = iy;
p = ip;