Creative switch



2 LEDs

Conductive Tape


Wire cutters

Wire strippers

Electrical tape

Soldering iron

Brass/Copper piece of metal

Copper fabric

Copper tape

  1. Line the inside of the lid and rim of the jar with either copper tape or conductive tape.
  2. Take four medium pieces of wire and one semi small sized and strip it all.
  3. Next, take your one of your LEDs  and solder the positive end to one of the wires, and the negative end to one of the wires. Do this for both LEDs and keep sure to remember which side is positive and which side is negative. This will be important for the rest of the project.
  4. Take the one semi small wire and at one end solder one of the positive LED wires to it. Repeat this for the other end of the wire, making sure only the positive end it soldered to this wire.
  5. Now that it is one big wire measure how you want it to fit into the jar before the next steps.
  6. (Optional) Using electrical tape, wrap a small strip on the solder to keep it from breaking.
  7. Solder the negative ends on the inside of the jar to the conductive or copper tape on the rim of the jar.
  8.  (Optional) Put some electrical tape on the negative ends to hold in place.
  9. If lid is not conductive, put conductive or copper tape on a patch on the lid. Use a few strands of that tape to continue farther than the others so when the lid closes it touches the tape on the rim of the jar.
  10. Put the negative end of the battery on the patch of conductive or copper tape and secure it down with electrical tape, leaving the majority of the battery exposed.
  11. (Optional) Using the piece of metal make an arch and hold it underneath the wire and hot glue it so it is kept in place. Also optional, use copper fabric over the battery incase you did not leave the battery exposed enough