Christmas Tree

 In my dorm room, I have a bunch of Christmas lights because Christmas holds a special place in my heart. It’s a time where all of my family members get together and celebrate without having to worry about reality. We all just enjoy each other’s presence in the moment. I created this because with the weather right now, I want to bring some Christmas cheer even though the holiday is over and that some may not celebrate. At least we can see a tree in the snow!!

//int color_sphere = 0; // global variable
float x = 0;
float y = 100;
float speed = 1;
PImage lights;
PImage snow;
PImage star;

void setup()
size(550, 700);
lights = loadImage(“christ.png”);
star = loadImage (“yellow-star-png-image–yellow-star-png-image-2.png”);
void draw ()
if (mousePressed == true) {
image(lights, 10, 20, 550, 690); //lights on when mouse pressed
image(star,225, 20, 100, 100); //star on when mouse pressed
for (int color_sphere = 0; color_sphere < 500; color_sphere =color_sphere+20) { // local variable
println(mouseX, ” , “, mouseY);
translate(mouseX, mouseY);
ellipse(0, 0, 15, 15);
if (mousePressed == false) {
background (#b7e6ff);
strokeWeight (0);
rect (220,500,120,200);
triangle(40, 550, 275, 250, 510, 550);
triangle(80, 400, 275, 120, 470, 400);
triangle(130, 240, 275, 60, 410, 240);


Evie Kelly