Assignment 2 – Making a lighted flower using LEDs

Choosing an idea was not as difficult as I thought considering the shape of a flower Is decently easy :). I thought it would have been fun to add fun colors too the petals.


  1. copper wire
  2. a battery, 3V DC purple coin cell
  3. Tube
  4. Copper Tape
  5. LEDs
  6. Tape
  7. Zip tie
  8. Sauter machine
  9. Multimeter


  1. First, I cut the shapes of a flower big enough so the LEDs can fit and made the middle yellow part a little bigger enough for the battery (3V DC purple coin cell) to fit. To make things easier and faster, fold the piece of paper in half so you can have 2 pieces of the same color.
  2. Once I did that, I taped the 2 circle petals together.
  3. Once all the petals are taped together, tape it to the middle yellow part.
  4. Now, I used a zip tie and put it to the size of the battery so it came hold it to place AND also hold up the flower easily.
  5. Once that’s done, its wire time (don’t tape the battery yet because it’ll be harder to stick the wires in).
  6. Wire up all the positives together, that being the longer stick and connect it to the positive side of the battery. Do the same for the shorter legs being negative.
  7. What I did was tape the wires where it would help the next step when having to wire.
  8. So, now we have a positive and negative connected to the battery. Good Job! Now, we’re going to connect another negative wire to the battery and connect it to the pipe cleaner. (The pipe cleaner is going to go inside the tube).
  9. Now, we are going to use a sauter from the lab to weld the wires to both the battery and other wires from the LEDs. Before this, add a clip or something in order for the LED to not burn out because it is hot. Clip it in front of the wire blocking it from the LED. (This is so we know that the connection is going through and that they are touching. WARNING: don’t burn yourself be careful and also, make sure none of the wires from a different LED are touching while you weld it down because it can short the LEDS. I unfortunately did this I believe)
  10. To make sure all of the LEDs are being charged, use a multimeter by putting the two sticks on the specific leg you’re checking. if it makes noise, it is getting charge.
  11. Once that is done, you can tape it all up!
  12. A problem I had with mine is that I am sure I shorted out some of the LEDS but they do light up sometimes when I move it, so maybe it is just a wire that needs to not tough another or needs to be connect more. Also, I intended to use the copper tape connected to the tube to turn on the LEDs but it did it on its own when it was connected to the battery.