Tentative Title: Mood
I mainly focused on the aspect of being able to express emotion: An Emotion Light (but the user has to indicate the emotion through tapping the box, or a loud noise like clapping, it doesn’t actually track the emotion.) I want it to include two emotions: green light to mean happy and red light meaning sad/angry. No light indicates that the box isn’t in use. When the light is red, I’d also like it to create sound, in order to show that the other user isn’t welcome near the primary user, but that could be an additional setting so there can be a red light with no sound, just to indicate the “do not disturb” aspect. If I could, I’d like to make two to show the communication between two users, like having two of the red with sound is like an argument without the two users shouting at each other
Attached is the complete form.
NMA_ INteractive Assignment form
— Cheri Tanamal