


Processing Self Portrait

  • Find a selfie or take one. Create an interpretation of it using 2D shapes in Processing You can try to be accurate, or create an interesting abstraction based on the image. The sketch does not need to be interactive. It can just be a static image.
  • Need some inspiration?
  • Bonus for using more advanced 2D primitives — quads, arcs, and I encourage you to lookup how to use Vertexes!


Assignment #1 /// PROCESSING Animated Self Portrait

Using Processing, create a self portrait sketch that uses mouse input/interaction and at least one for loop and one conditional statement. You can conceptualize and interpret the theme of “self portrait however you want. The aesthetic could be dadaist, abstract, graphic, photographic, deep fried (as in 2015 memes). The aesthetic should be genuinely yours though. Do not simply recycle code used in class. DO customize it though. Make it yours ~! Don’t be afraid to take risks.

Requirements & Deliverables: 

    • Completion of assignment for in-class critique
    • Your sketch should be visually original, even when using found code
    • Use at least one example of mouse interaction
    • Use at least one For Loop
    • Use at least one Conditional Statement
    • Hand in your Processing sketch in a folder, including any dependencies (such as photos or pictures you may have used) via the Homework folder.

Assignment #2 /// CREATIVE SWITCH – DUE: Tues, Feb 25th

This assignment explores your ability to use your new-found electronic knowledge to create a custom switch. Using materials that have not previously used or demonstrated in-class, create your own switch or button. This can be a soft circuit button, out of materials found at home, etc. A good example is wiring a zipper to turn on LED’s. We will be going over several examples of unconventional switches. Use your switch to turn on at least 2 LED’s (you may use more LEDs if desired). Or, you can make two switch circuits that each light one LED. This assignment may be turned in as “bare bones” or on a circuit board with exposed wires.

    • The emphasis here is on creating small sculptures or designed objects, which incorporate an original or unique method for closing a circuit (aka a switch) that is of your design (not off-the-shelf).
    • I expect you to spend a good amount of time on brain-storming and on construction. The components of the circuit may be relatively simple – it’s really the mechanics of the switch (how it opens and closes) that will be your “ingenious” solution.
    • Focus on these questions: what makes an interface an interface? How might you indicate users how to use the interface you build (without reading instructions)?
    • You may collaborate with another student in the class on the assignment – but I will expect the work to be 1.5 times as complex as a project by one student working alone.
    • and yeah, and the switch needs to be functional
  • Requirements & Deliverables: (all due on Feb 25th)
    1. Completion of assignment for in-class critique
      • Build your creative switch in a manner that doesn’t emulate any prior in-class demos – ie, be original
      • Turn on at least 2 LED’s
    2. Write an “Instructable” for the project. This will serves as project documentation and a how-to guide. Upload this to the class blog before class on Feb 25. For reference, see How to write an Instructable. Include
      • materials list
      • one paragraph description of your concept + the gesture you developed to close the switch. (This description should not be simply technical.) why did you chose to use the specific materials you did? (hint: the choice of materials should be a conscious decision.)
      • written step-by-step instructions with photo illustrations, which show how to put it all together
      • at least 5 detailed (high-resolution) images of the finished piece
      • one (@ less than 1 min in length) video showing your switch in action.
      • re-use your original (creative switch) post to the class blog, simply adding to it and building it out.


You will choose an Artist / Designer / Collective on which to give a brief 10-minute presentation on in-class. You are expected to discuss their work and concepts as well as any other relevant background information or works that you find particularly interesting.

Requirements & Deliverables

  • 10 minute presentation on the Artist / Designer / Collective
  • Use Keynote or Powerpoint or PDF to prepare and deliver your lecture
  • Email your lecture/ presentation as PDF document to the instructor by the due date of the assignment – before the start of class
  • You are expected to discuss in detail the artist(s) work and concepts that you find particularly interesting. You should the background information (biographical) on the artist(s). Be prepared to contextualize their work by showing associated works or artists. Know all the detail about the works you are presenting & be able to answer questions about them.
  • You are expected to complete research into the artist(s) that goes well beyond the initial url/ link provided.



DRAWING DEVICE description:

This assignment aims to explore alternative methods in mark-making. Create a custom drawing or mark-making device / machine using the Arduino. Materials and construction are open to your discretion. We will review examples of various art-based physical computing drawing machines in class as examples and inspiration.

WEARABLE DEVICE description:

This assignment aims to explore the intersection of electronics, programming, and the body. These interactive explorations can express the functional and conceptual potentials within the context of technology and the human body. Projects may be inspired by topics such as data collection, personal communication, pure dynamic aesthetics, assistive devices, emotive or expressive objects, the relationship between technology and the body and medical technologies.

Build a polished wearable prototype of your own design to begin understanding the physical reality of wearable art and electronic objects incorporating the Arduino and sensor + desired affect.
We will cover examples and materials to help facilitate this project


This assignment is based on an interaction concept of your own choosing. In order to be successful, the outcome of the assignment must be a complete and functional prototype of your final project – with enough finish to make it presentable in its own right. Though some evolution of project ideas is to be expected, if this Interactive Assignment option is chosen, no switching to a different project for the final will be permitted – no exceptions.

Requirements & Deliverables for all Options:

  • Must incorporate the Arduino & Follow guidelines above.
  • Initial project proposal and sketches required.
  • Completion of Project for first of two in Class Critique days
  • Upload 5 Documentation Images of your completed project to the class blog before the critique.
  • Documentation: make a short (>5min) video documenting your tools, techniques, and outcomes. Be sure to take 1 minute to just show the piece or installation functioning. Incorporate video screenshots of the resultant data, etc. Turn in your video to the instructor via thumb drive,, or dropbox before the critique. Grades will not be released until all documentation is received / posted.
  • Submit via the blogl the completed (functional) Arduino sketch (code) for your project.


Part #1: the Proposal

A typed 1-2 page proposal with a drawing, sketch, or model (with approximate dimensions) attached for your final project due via email. In your one page proposal, please discuss what you would like to work on for your final project, why you want to produce this piece, and your conceptual reasoning behind wanting to create the work. Please include a list of parts and materials that you think you might need to execute this project. You will each meet with me individually to discuss your final projects with the instructor to gain approval to begin working on a project, and to receive feedback to help you find parts and give you conceptual feedback and other helpful resources.

* You may work in small groups with permission

Deliverables: 1-2 Page Proposal, Drawing/Sketch/Model, List of Parts Needed.

Part #2: 

In consultation with the instructor, develop a final project that shows significant mastery of topics and exercises covered in the course. The project may be of any kind of experimental art piece, interactive sculpture, wearable, or responsive installation and is up to your design. The piece may also be an expansion of a previously attempted project from the course so long as it is sufficiently advanced.  You may expand on a previous project so long as there is a significant expansion in scope. The final project will consist of an artistic work or installation of your choice utilizing the skills obtained in lab exercises and inspired by the course content and a short presentation of your project in class. This can be a collaborative project, however, collaboration must be pre-approved. The final project must be pre-approved by the instructor and must be one not already covered in class. Be prepared to have ideas in mind for your final project in mind by the 7th week of the course. I know this sounds early but bear in mind you will need to order electronic parts and will need time to construct and work out kinks. I am open to you coming up with creative ways to execute your projects so please feel free to ask questions or suggest ideas.

You will be graded on the creativity and functionality of your piece as well as your final presentation during our final class critique. Your paper should discuss the work that you have produced. Please be sure to conceptually discuss your reasonings for your final piece as well as any inspirations that lead you to create the work and any other information you find important to your final project.

Requirements & Deliverables 

  • Must incorporate a microcontroller
  • Completion of Project for in-class critique and,

before Second Day of Final Critiques begin:

    • Photo Documentation: a minimum of 5 detailed high-resolution images of your piece, including detail shots.
    • Video Documentation: make a short (greater than 3 minutes but less than 5 minutes) video documenting your tools, techniques, and outcomes.  Half of the video should be used to explain the work and to give an ‘under the hood’ view of the technology used to create its responsive aspects.  The other half of the video should be used to demonstrate the work in action, within the context that it has been designed for. It is recommended that students partner with a peer to complete their video documentation. It is always beneficial to see how others interact with your work! Having someone else ‘drive’ your work can help to clarify which aspects of the work are intuitive, and which need to be finessed.
    • Upload both the photo and video documentation of your work to the blog, and frame them within an “Instructables” page presentation.  In other words, your final blog entry should walk viewers through the step by step process of how the piece was made. This includes a material list with links, and your final code.
    • View: How to write an Instructable
    • Email an additional copy of your final Arduino / CircuitPython/ MakeCode/ Processing code to an  to the instructor. (This is in addition to posting the code on the blog).
    •  Final grades will not be released until all documentation is received / posted!