Final Project: Mood Light

Title: Mood Light Purpose: To express emotion using no language. Inspiration: I was inspired by reversible plushies and how the mad and happy expression on the object depicted the emotion of the user by the way the user flips it. In this instance, depending on the face of the cube a specific emotion is expressed….

Interactive Assignment Proposal

Tentative Title: Mood Summary: I mainly focused on the aspect of being able to express emotion: An Emotion Light (but the user has to indicate the emotion through tapping the box, or a loud noise like clapping, it doesn’t actually track the emotion.) I want it to include two emotions: green light to mean happy…

Creative Switch: Catching Fireflies

When I think about the concept of a switch, turning a light on and off, I think about my terrible grammar growing up. “Open the lights,” My mom would tell me. “Close the lights,” I’d imitate her. So I thought about an action that would mean “To open and close.” I also thought about light…

Assignment 1 _ Drawing Machine

TANAMAL_ASSIGNMENT_1 //Goodbyes under the same sky int SubjectX; void setup() {   size (500,400);   background (#92BED8); //sky is day time     SubjectX = 50; } void draw() {   {        if (mousePressed) {     background(#3C65A5); // Turning the sky to night    } }   stroke(20,80);   fill(255,105);    strokeWeight(0);   ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 5, 5); //Contrails and Stars //shapes   //Object of the sky     //Outermost…