Final Project: Musical Instrument

The goal of this project was to make a musical instrument using wind-chime pipes and two servo motors. I was inspired to make something musically inclined by my Artist Presentation. I wanted to make something that interacted with light and sound such as in Janet Cardiff’s Experiment in F# Minor. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic…

Creative Switch Project by Eric Silva

For the creative switch project I decided to make it mechanically inclined. The device consists of a rack and pinion assembly. For those who may not know what a rack and and pinion is, it’s a gear and a flat bar that mesh together. It’s most known use is in the steering columns of many…

Assignment #1: Processing Drawing Machine – Eric Silva

  I wanted to figure out how to make objects follow a certain paths given by equations. I began with a simple equation where a square follows a direct path (linear equation) and then I moved towards exponential equations. Afterwards I made it so that the squares would converge to distance where you would click…

Processing Class Assignment

  code: int pointX = 0; int pointY = 0; int ewidth = 0; int elength = 0; void setup(){ size(640,480); background(100,50,50); } void draw(){ stroke(200,0,0); strokeWeight(5); fill(1,200,1); stroke(106,13,170); rect(320,240,300,200); //rectangle stroke(0,200,200); strokeWeight(1); fill(1,1,200); stroke (random(200),random(200),random(200)); // random outline color of the ellipse ellipse(300 + pointX,260 + pointY,40 + ewidth,40 + elength); // creates a…