Interactive Painting : For my project, I made a sound reactive interactive painting.Interactive painting is project consisting of floral painting. The main two flower are made up from neopixel rings and they keep on glowing on and off. They change their color based on the loudness of the sound that the sound sensor picks…
Author: Hina Khalid
Questions for final project
Q1. Should I include humidity sensor as well with sound sensor? Q2. Is it better to use neopixel strip with neopixel ring? Q2. Should I include butterflies in the interface as well by using LEDs?
Slow Design Principals:
An example is the Sasa Clock by Icelandic artist Thorunn Arnadottir. The ceaseless march of time, measurable in endlessly smaller increments, is a western concept. In many parts of the world, time is not parsed into seconds or even minutes. In some places, people perceive time as speeding up when activities speed up and slowing…
Interactive Assignment with proposal form :
frontend backend Interactive Painting : I decided to create a project based on my previous creative switch assignment. Interactive painting is project consisting of floral painting. The main flower keeps on glowing while the other small flowers glow based on humidity and sound level around. Project uses neopixel rings and LED’s that glow based on…
Creative Switch Assignment : Hina Khalid
Hi, I made a creative switch circuit , in which the flower that is made up from LEDs light up when air is blown on the fabric material or when the fabric is pressed. Step1. Take all the material listed below: (a) RGB LED’s. ( b)Stranded wire. (c)Battery (4 of 1.5V) (d)Battery holder(AA4). (e)Conductive Fabric. (f)…
Drawing machine – Hina Khalid
In this drawing machine I’m creating 3D shapes like cube and sphere that move in all three directions. There is some code for saving the frames and background have random rectangles and ellipse in different directions. float circleX; float circleY; float i = 180; float r = 0; void setup() { size(640,400,P3D); } void keyPressed()…
Assignment 1-Hina Khalid
I started working on my assignment work by using some shapes. I used rectangle in for loop and used random function for different colors,Along with this I used variables to generate the small ellipse and used background function in the void setup() function so as the circles fill the screen.Im trying to make it more…