Flower Creative Switch By: Johanna B & Azka M

Materials: 2 – 4.5 volt battery boxes ( 9 volts total) 6AA Batteries of 1.5 Volts each 3 RGB 180 Ohm Resistor Pot Flowers Hot Glue start by checking to make sure circuit is good and will work. Start by connecting cables be sure to keep track of the positive and negative sides of your…

Drawing Machine

int symmetry = 6; int angle = 360 / symmetry; float strokeSize = 9; // use + and – keys to change instead of slider float xoff; // press s to save // press c to clear to screen void setup() { size(600, 600); //background(200); colorMode(HSB, 100); noStroke(); } void keyPressed() { if (key ==…

Assignment 2

void setup(){ //set size of window size(450,450); background(50); fill(random(225),random(225),random(225)); rect(200,100,50,50); rect(350,100,50,50); ellipse(300,150,50,100); } void draw(){ stroke(255); line(pmouseX,pmouseY,mouseX,mouseY); fill(random(225),random(225),random(225)); ellipse(mouseX,mouseY,50,50); } void mousePressed(){ //if mousePressed screen erases and changes color background(random(0,225),random(0225),random(0,225)); frameRate(100); } Johanna Bonilla-Recendez