Final project ( Kavya and Danny) pt.1

  Documentation images   Final code #include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h> #ifdef __AVR__ #include <avr/power.h> #endif #define NeoPixel_PIN 8 Adafruit_NeoPixel strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(10, NeoPixel_PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800); ////////////////////// #include <MFRC522.h> #include”rfid.h” RFID rfid; #include <SoftwareSerial.h> #include “Adafruit_Soundboard.h” // Choose any two pins that can be used with SoftwareSerial to RX & TX #define SFX_TX 5 #define SFX_RX 6…

Interactive Art project

Overview of project When 3 characters created by layering laser cut material are placed on a stand, different combinations of pressed switches result in different effects. The two types of effects are lights and sound from a neopixel strip and a buzzer. For example, if A+B are present (A and B stand for a character…

Prototype code proposal

Red(?) LED in stand 30 day timer → 720 hrs → 43,200 min → 2,592,000 sec → 2,592,000,000 milliseconds Buzzer(?) Figures in relief form (cut out with laser cutter and layered) int K = (something) int D = (something) int S = (something) int ledPin = 11 void setup() { K () D () S…

In response to NeMe’s Trouble at the Interface 2.0

In response to NeMe’s Trouble at the Interface 2.0 I did not take much away from the text due to its dense and more academic nature. Also because Huhtamo writes in this manner it makes it more difficult to follow although his statements about the connection between the Art, Artist and Viewer makes sense. He…

Games in Contemporary Art by Daniel Mota

Contemporary artists often try to make their work stand out in ways other pieces usually don’t; for example, interactivity is a pretty common element that artists use to elevate their work.  Interactive pieces have the advantage of being more engaging and, therefore, more memorable. Sensory interactivity can be effective especially in art that targets touch,…

Contemporary art and Games – by Kavya

Games have a place in Contemporary art essentially because the use of design and purpose make it an art form in the modern world. The term Contemporary means occurring in the present,which is exactly what games do. In universities due to the growing gaming industry it has become a major so people can study it…

Assignment 1 code and image

void setup() { size(600,600); stroke(0,133); smooth(); // background(120); } void draw() { strokeWeight(3); ellipse (mouseX,mouseY,70,70); rect(mouseX,mouseY,20,50); rect(mouseX,mouseY,50,20); rect(mouseX,mouseY,-20,-50); rect(mouseX,mouseY,-20,-40); rect(mouseX,mouseY,-50,50); rect(mouseX,mouseY,-40,40); rect(mouseX,mouseY,-30,30); noStroke(); ellipse (mouseX,mouseY,40,40); ellipse (mouseX,mouseY,30,30); ellipse (mouseX,mouseY,20,20); fill(mouseX,mouseY,47,150); if (mousePressed == true) for (int i=0; i<500; i=i+20) fill(random(255), random(255), random(255)); frameRate(30); }

Introduction post

Exoskin by Basheer Tome and Hiroshi Ishii is a project that utilizes programmed material to create a more tactile form that can react to its environment through texture changes. This project corresponds with principle 4 and 6; engage and evolve. In connection to principle 4 the product rely on interaction to provide feedback. In terms…