Frequency To Light: Chromesthesia Abstraction

By Parvathi Krishnan Background: My interactive project is inspired by the ability of some people that see colors when listening to music. The set up aims to display different neopixel lights onto a reflective surface by matching the frequency it hears with the color of that note, creating an abstract mixture of colored lights. Materials:…

Creative Switch: Laptop Light-Up Lid!

For this project, I made a circuit on the lid of my laptop that turns four LEDs on at the motion of opening the laptop, creating a cool light effect. The chain is conductive and closes the circuit when it touches a loop of conductive wire attached to the cover.   Materials: Laptop 4 LEDs…

Assignment 1: Drawing Machine

I wanted to do something with flowers for this project and I love how trees look with flowers, so I made a cherry blossom type of tree. I wanted to simulate a kind of shimmering motion so I utilized the random function and changed the colors of the petals based on the mouse position. My…

Processing Composition

  I started this with the two basic shapes of a rectangle and an ellipse and implemented the random() function for the colors because I liked how that added a sort of graffiti look to the piece. My conditionals were if the mouse was pressed, draw a circle, and if the mouse was just simply…