Materials Needed: Circuit Playground Crikit (optional) 3 neopixel strips with at least 5 neopixels Thin wire Alligator clips with female end Soldering Iron Hot glue gun Solder Popicle sticks Glass Jars White paint Paint sponge Instructions Step 1 : Paint glass jars with a thin layer of white paint using a wet paint sponge, also paint…
Author: Tiffany Marin
Questions for Final Project
Is it better to have multiple lights representing dots and dashes or to have single light? What material would work best for diffusing light in the jar? To display “stillness”/”waiting” should all lights be off or on ?
Light Cup Creative Switch By: Tiffany Marin
Light Up Cup Materials Need: 4.5 Volt Battery Pack 3 AA Batteries 4 Clear LED’s 4 100 Ohm Resistors Copper Tape Wire Cardboard Reusable Coffee Cup Step 1: Start by prototyping the circuit on a breadboard. This ensures that all LED’s work and gives a basic layout for the circuit Step 2: Recreate the…
Assignment 1 Drawing Machine
For this assignment I took inspiration from the Jaws poster. I created the shark using primitive shapes and followed that theme for the fish and and the coral in the background. The shark pops up when the mouse is clicked. The fish move around the screen continuously using a flock and boid class to change…
Processing Assignment 2
For this assignment I experiment with using 3D shapes to create an image. I used the camera function in order to change the orientation of each box using the position of the mouse. I also wanted to incorporate 2D circles in the image so I randomized the position with each mouse click. In order to…